Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Pinches and Popsicles

This morning guys, man was it an inspiration for this blog. We actually got to sleep in a bit this morning. James wanted snuggles in bed, which almost never happens, so I was all for it! After snuggles we went downstairs for breakfast. James had cereal, I got my workout clothes on and then William got up and had some cereal too. Shaping up to be a pretty good day, Mid-workout William decides he is done, so I go take him out and he proceeds to head for the stairs. I tell James to go shut the bathroom door so William won't get in the toilet--problem averted! Well next thing I hear William screaming bloody murder. I head to the top of the stairs to find him with his thumb stuck in the crack of the laundry closet doors. It was completely shut in there and he, being a dumb baby, was leaning against the door putting it in there even tighter! I got him out and after some cold water he seemed good-ish.

By this point James has finished his cereal and moved on to a popsicle. Cause you know, who doesn't want a popsicle at 9:30 in the morning. So I finish my workout with William screaming at me to hold him and James yelling at me that he needs another popsicle.

I tell James no more popsicles and he's crying and whining and making William even more flustered and sad. I keep saying no popsicles and he says "I'll get it myself." So he pushes up a chair and I tell him if you get anymore I will throw them in the trash. He says ok and points to his wrapper from earlier and says "throw it in the trash!" So I try again to explain "if you touch those popsicles I will take the box from you and they will be in the trash all gone. You understand?!" He says, "yes I want to stand" I realize this is hilarious that he would say that, but at the time I could've hit something.

I decide William needed an early nap so I head up stairs in the hopes that James will leave us be trying to get a popsicle by his-self! I nurse William and he finally calms down. I am rocking him and he is nearly asleep when James bursts through the door and says, "Where is my BA!?" Ba is his blanket. I tell him where it is and he leaves to find it. He comes back, and wants to sit with us and I tell him no because William needs to sleep. I rocked him until he finally settled down again. I head downstairs and James has the whole box of popsicles. So guess what? I let him have one. That's right-two popsicles before 11 AM. I am not sure what is worse though, the two popsicles or the two hours of the ipad he watched during all of this. This is normal.

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